Date: Mon, 3 Apr 95 16:58 EET From: Toni Nikkanen Subject: [DMP-TALK:768] Re: DMP and Aria > I will make the Aria driver as soon as I have time for it... So when are you releasing the Device Driver Kit for DSMI ?-) As a side question, did anybody else notice DMP/16 refuses to shell? On my system it won't, either under OS/2 or DOS.. ----------------- Date: Mon, 3 Apr 95 23:06 EET From: (John Rice) Subject: [DMP-TALK:769] Re: DMP and Aria In a message received on 3 Apr 1995, 14:11 wrote to rice > As a side question, did anybody else notice DMP/16 refuses to > shell? On my system it won't, either under OS/2 or DOS.. Won't on mine either. DMP32 appears to, but then as soon as I try to do anything with it I get a QEMM Exception Error. --- John Rice __|__ K9IJ | "I speak for myself, not my employer". ________(*)________ | o/ \o | | Miracles,Magic and Sleight-of-hand done here. ----------------- Date: Tue, 4 Apr 95 12:40 EET From: "Stasek Ondrej - Kotelnik a ne jinak." Subject: [DMP-TALK:772] Re: DMP at > > Some of you have had problems finding DMP and associated files at > > > > No, I didn't have problems with this (I found the directory), but here's > my plight: > > I received part 2 of 2 of the updated drivers (in DMP-LIST), but never It's not only your problem. I haven't got it too. > part 1. It's been 6 days; so I know it's been lost somewhere in the > bitbucket. I'd like to get it, but when I went to, I didn't > really know what filename to look for. Could someone PLEASE write to me > (privately) and tell me what the filename for the updated drivers is? Why ^^^^^^^^^ ? I'd like to know it too. Tnx, Ondar ___________________________ __ / () ..**.. ..**.. \___________ / * ___/: Ondar "Kotelnik" Stasek ( )====---- * * * * * \: XSTAO02@JMS.VSE.CZ (___________)====---- ** * * * * * \___________________________/ \__ * * * * ----------------- Date: Tue, 4 Apr 95 10:38 EET From: Subject: [DMP-TALK:771] Re: DMP w/o DV code? >Does DMP 4.0x not have the desqview detection codes in it anymore? It is >_far_ more hogging of the DV resources, and doesn't play nearly as >well... > I've found that on my machine DMP 4.01 runs pretty good under windoze, I was amazed it didn't pop up that little blue message about how windows hogs my computer and wont let go, It WAS a bit slow, but again, I have a 386DX40 (sad but true), and my windows drivers are installed and everything, I just have some farely new drivers (AWE32) , .. I was wondering, since it's such a good player and the GUS seems to have 2 drivers and everything, I was wondering if some AWE drivers were on the way (please, no flame/cardwar!) Just out of curiosity.. I know that CL doesn't give ANY developing info for anything but MIDI, but there are some players out there coming out, maybe Otto could get in touch with one of their programers.. All the people that love flaming all non-GUSers, please keep it to yourselves, I just happened to get mine as a present (so it's no my "fault") and I don't have the bandwidth to spare on another flame/cardwar.. so pleeez! Think peacefully! ;-) TIA, Esteban Z. "...Live and let live.." ----------------- Date: Tue, 4 Apr 95 10:36 EET From: The Tick Subject: [DMP-TALK:770] Re: DMP and Aria On Mon, 3 Apr 1995, John Rice wrote: > > As a side question, did anybody else notice DMP/16 refuses to > > shell? On my system it won't, either under OS/2 or DOS.. > Won't on mine either. DMP32 appears to, but then as soon as I try to > do anything with it I get a QEMM Exception Error. DMP/16 crashes. DMP/32 works fine for me. However, I'm *still* lost about those new drivers. Please, if anyone has any information on the whereabouts of the new drivers (I really need the filename, I know they must be on, PLEASE TELL ME!! -- Brandon ____ __/____\__ Brandon Browning \ _____/ Student Systems Administrator All opinions are mine /\ ____/\ Pacific University unless otherwise stated. /__\____/__\ Forest Grove, Oregon ----------------- Date: Tue, 4 Apr 95 16:28 EET From: "Todd A. Aiken" Subject: [DMP-TALK:773] DMP Album files One thing bad that I've noticed with DMP 4.00 is that some of the album files I've created don't work anymore. I have a text file called "N" which contains the line "C:\MUSIC\NEW\*.*"; this directory contains all the newest modules that I have received before I classify them under subdirectories. But when I try to play these files using the command line "DMP @N", I get the file selection screen. Previous versions of DMP would accept this as a valid album file, but now it seems that wildcards are no longer permitted. I cannot specify individual filenames in this album file, as the contents of my NEW directory is always changing. I know that I can go into the file selection screen, switch to the NEW directory, and then TAB and tag all files by pressing SHIFT-INS, but it's much faster to use one line album files with wildcards. Can this be re- implimented in the next version of DMP (I'm assuming one will be released shortly, as I too am having DOS shell problems)? CU L8R... Todd A. Aiken (aka: The CPU /\/\asterMixer) BIZZ Systems Manager - "TAIKEN care of BIZZness!" Business Administration Department BISHOP'S UNIVERSITY EMail: TAIKEN@BIZZ.UBISHOPS.CA or: TAIKEN@ARUS.UBISHOPS.CA ----------------- Date: Tue, 4 Apr 95 23:24 EET From: "Jonathan F. Freeson" Subject: [DMP-TALK:775] My problems with 4.00 :) Along with having problems with the shell, I am also having problems in the selection list. It seems that I have a habit to accidenly select the A: drive from the list. However, I dont always have a disk in there and I tend not to have a 5 1/4 disk readidly available. So, I get the: Abort, Cancel, Retry? Coming over the screen. (not in a window or anything "pretty" like that) If I don't put a disk in the drive, I end up locking the computer up, regardless of what I choose. Couldn't there be a way to fix this? (I don't really care to keep a dos formmatted disk in the drive due to that I also keep my Linux boot disk hany in there with the door open, I close the door when I want to use Linux.) Other than this, I like the program :) Take care, --- Jonathan F. Freeson Public key under homepage: Or automatic e-mail to one of my addresses with subject "send public key" ----------------- Date: Tue, 4 Apr 95 21:28 EET From: Chrons Otto Subject: [DMP-TALK:774] Re: DMP Album files Hi, > One thing bad that I've noticed with DMP 4.00 is that some of the > album files I've created don't work anymore. I have a text file > called "N" which contains the line "C:\MUSIC\NEW\*.*"; this directory > contains all the newest modules that I have received before I > classify them under subdirectories. But when I try to play these > files using the command line "DMP @N", I get the file selection > screen. Previous versions of DMP would accept this as a valid album > file, but now it seems that wildcards are no longer permitted. I > cannot specify individual filenames in this album file, as the > contents of my NEW directory is always changing. I know that I can > go into the file selection screen, switch to the NEW directory, and > then TAB and tag all files by pressing SHIFT-INS, but it's much > faster to use one line album files with wildcards. Can this be re- > implimented in the next version of DMP (I'm assuming one will be > released shortly, as I too am having DOS shell problems)? DMP 4.00 uses WILDCARD.C to do the wildcard expansion before DMP itself is called. That's why wildcards don't work in your album file. Why not just create a .BAT that runs DMP C:\music\new\*.* -- Otto Chrons, Virtual Visions email: tel: +358-31-3186100 fax: +358-31-3186100 -----------------